How to Set Up Westside for Skinny Bastards Day 1 — Max Effort Upper

GJ Sequeira
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

The best program for athletes is one that will address weak points while maintaining strengths in their sport.

Joe Defranco’s Westside for Skinny Bastards template is the best form to capture everything you need. It customizes the exercises so that you can choose the best one that will carry over to your sport while developing general strength. Specificity makes you a better athlete. General strength will help becoming a better all around monster.

Now Joe provides the template, but without knowing your sport it’s difficult to know what exercise is “best” for your off season program.

Let’s start off with the typical team sports

  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Baseball

Each of these sports has a few things in common that can be improved by developing lower body power and upper body strength. We’ll call this “Armor Plate the Upper, Athlete the Lower”. WS4SB is perfect for this development — We’ll go through each day and pick the best exercises to develop these qualities.

Monday — Max Effort Upper

A. Max Effort Exercise — find a heavy 3 to 5 reps

Joe lists quite a few variations, but lets stick with 3–4 that we’ll cycle through each off season.

  • Bench

